Sign Assignment Of Mortgage PDF Online

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Questions & answers

What Does Assignment Of Mortgage Mean? An assignment of mortgage is a legal term that refers to the transfer of the security instrument that underlies your mortgage loan aka your home. When a lender sells the mortgage on, an investor effectively buys the note, and the mortgage is assigned to them at this time.
The most common example of an Assignment of Mortgage is when a mortgage lender transfers/sells the mortgage to another lender. This can be done more than once until the balance is paid. The lender does not have to inform the borrower that the mortgage is being assigned to another party.
An assignment naming MERS as the assignee of record is prepared and recorded with the county recorder's office. MERS will be the assignee of record for the life of the loan and the chain of title should end with MERS unless the rights are assigned to a non-MERS member, a foreclosure, etc.
Under an assignment of loan, a lender (the assignor) assigns its rights relating to a loan agreement to a new lender (the assignee). Only the assignor's rights under the loan agreement are assigned. The assignor will still have to any obligations it has under the facility agreement.